Friday, January 29, 2010

My Lunchbox

Every now and then, you'll find some item you end up using roughly 252 days of the year. I bring my lunch to work for several reasons:

1. It's a LOT cheaper to pack leftovers than to buy a $6 lunch every day
2. For me, it's healthier & I feel better. I can control what goes in my food & the portions I give myself. Today was a prime example. I got a huge hamburger from a local restaurant. I had heartburn for like 4 hours. I learned my lesson.
3. I have a seriously cute lunch box!

I found this little piece of fantastic at Khol's while Christmas shopping last December. My previous lunchbox was breaking into little bits of padding & zipper, so I figured it was time to replace it. From the BYO brand (Bring Your Own), it's made out of neoprene and stretches quite well to be able to fit all kinds of plastic containers. It's quite sturdy, has great handles, looks super cute and when you bring it home, (this is my favorite part) goes flat. I like my lunchbox.

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