Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Walk Across Kansas

Ah, healthy lifestyle challenges! The concept is good; put people on teams and give them points/positive reinforcement for achieving healthy lifestyle habits for a certain period of time. I am a sucker for these since I often need a bit of motivation to eat correctly, particularly getting enough whole grains, fruit & veggies.

I have already done two challenges so far this year, and now I'm on a team for the Walk Across Kansas challenge put on by the K-State Extension office. This eight-week challenge focuses on increasing activity by setting the goal of each team of six people doing activities equivalent to walking across the State of Kansas, a goal achieved if each team member does at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. Each person also counts their daily servings of whole grains and fruits & vegetables.

I'm on the dream team & we're going to WIN. Our goal is not to simply walk across Kansas, but to walk across & back. I really like being active, so I'm not too worried about the fitness goal. Eating habits, however, could use some work. So how can I simplify getting lots of physical activity minutes & remembering to eat lots of whole grains, fruits & veggies? A lot of it revolves around planning ahead.
  • Walk the Jack Russell at least 15 minutes every morning & afternoon in addition to any other physical activity
  • Keep a pack of whole wheat tortillas or a loaf of whole wheat bread around, ready for consumption
  • Eat whole grain oatmeal or granola for breakfast
  • Keep around easy-to-grab-and-eat fruits & veggies like baby carrots, clementines, pre-washed grapes, & apples
  • Adopt the frame of mind "If you're going to eat something, eat something that will count toward your points!"
  • Enter points asap into the magic, calculating spreadsheet so I don't forget about anything
Uncomplication tip for life: spreadsheets greatly simplify my life.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love the spread sheet and only wish it was in the form of an iphone app which would really aid my memory! We are going to win! We might even go across, back and across if we kick ourselves up a notch!
