Thursday, January 20, 2011

The One Secret to Losing 80 Pounds- In ONE Day!

Being snowbound at my parent's house today, I had the time & opportunity to go through stuff. My parents were kind enough to box stuff up when they recently replaced their carpet & needed to move all three kids' stuff from the upstairs to the basement, then back upstairs again. A lot of this stuff is of the nostalgic nature, for example, every birthday card up to age 16, stuffed animals, and lots and lots of pictures from high school (some in triplicate).

So I spent a few hours going through stuff. A lot of the stuff was very special at the time, but doesn't mean much to me now. Some of the stuff is just stuff. And some of the stuff I still like and is very special to me.

I was rewarded, however, and found $10 in a high school graduation card!

After the go-through, I was inspired to weight the amount of stuff I was throwing away & donating. The total came to 80 pounds. Woo hoo! That's 80 pounds I will never have to move again. Even better, that's 80 pounds of stuff I will never have the THINK about again.

Then for my afternoon project, I decided to clean up my email. For the last 5 years, I've just been storing everything in my inbox & searching if I needed to find something. So today, I whittled 2500 emails down to about 40. That felt good.

So do your part to shed the pounds!

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